Brush Materials have incorrect rotation and scale when using the DirectX Shader
The Wall Worm Material Library Generator originally created DirectX Materials for all materials. But updates to the VMF Exporter changed the way materials are interpretted. Whenever possible, you should not use DirectX Materials.
Material Library Generator
Explanation of how to use the Material Library Generator.
Displacement Texture Scale Sometimes Incorrect
Understanding Displacement Blend Texture Scale
This page explains one cause for displacement materials to be scaled incorrectly in Source as well as the solution. You should use bitmaps of equal dimensions in both materials controlling the Blend material.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2011-2014
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1.X changelog in 2011 through 2014.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2014 to early 2017
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2.X changelog in 2014 through early 2017.
Incorrect Rotation on World Geometry
Fixed in WWMT 1.867
In earlier versions of the VMF exporter, non-rectangular faces on geometry produce inaccurate texture rotations.
My Model Scale is Wrong
All you need to know about getting your model scale correct.
Many new 3ds Max users have problems with the scale of their exported models not matching the scale in the Max UI. Here are some tips on solving that.
Bad Texture Alignment on Brush Geometry and Displacements
Fixed in VMF Exporter 1.21 (WWMT 1.768)
The current VMF Exporter does not yet export the correct texture alignment, rotation and scaling on brush geometry and displacements.
Brush Geometry
How to export brush geometry with the Wall Worm VMF Exporter.
Unknown Bitmap Filetypes Crash VMF Exporter
Do not use bitmap filetypes that Max doesn't know how to read.
Using unknown bitmap types on world geometry and displacements will crash the VMF Exporter. This currently happens if using VTFs in materials in 3ds Max 2013 since there is no VTF plugin yet.