Converting Displacements to Models
Steps on converting a collection of displacements to props.
Convert Blends and 4ways to OSL
Converting DX Blend Shaders to renderable OSL shaders.
Why are Models Appearing as Cubes?
When reopening a scene the models can appear as cubes if the game settings do not include paths to the source MDL files.
This document explains why models can appear as cubes instead of props when importing VMF or MDL nodes.
MDL File Loader
Geometry Plugin to load Valve's MDL files directly into 3ds Max.
Using Props in Your Scene
Article on re-using existing props in a scene.
Bad Texture Alignment on Brush Geometry and Displacements
Fixed in VMF Exporter 1.21 (WWMT 1.768)
The current VMF Exporter does not yet export the correct texture alignment, rotation and scaling on brush geometry and displacements.
Error When Updating Wall Worm
Some problems that can occur when updating Wall Worm and Wall Worm Pro, along with some workarounds.
Advanced Texture Controls
With Wall Worm Pro, you can export arbitrary texture maps as VTF files in Source.
MDL Loader isn't working
Instructions on manually setting the correct plugin paths if WW did not set them during installation.
A Source for New Tools
2016 Year in Review for Wall Worm
Halloween 2016 news for Wall Worm and the release of a new MDL Importer for 3ds Max.