Tutorial: Nuclear Cooling Towers
How to create nuclear cooling towers with Displacements
Tutorial on creating nuclear cooling towers as displacements for the Source Engine.
VMF Importer
You can use Wall Worm to import a VMF into 3ds Max. This allows you to bring in your Hammer project into 3ds Max.
Displacement Proxies
Displacement Proxies allow teams to work more efficiently with displacements in multiple files.
Understanding Wall Worm Displacements
Overview on working with displacements in 3ds Max for the Source Game Engine.
An overview of creating displacements for the Source Game Engine inside 3ds Max using Anvil.
Wall Worm
Wall Worm tools, utilities, plugins and scripts for creating Source and Source 2 Game Engine Assets inside 3ds Max. Documentation, tutorials, tips, videos and more.
Displacements Fail to Export
Some tips on troubleshooting displacements failing to export from Max into Source.
Displacement Texture Scale Sometimes Incorrect
Understanding Displacement Blend Texture Scale
This page explains one cause for displacement materials to be scaled incorrectly in Source as well as the solution. You should use bitmaps of equal dimensions in both materials controlling the Blend material.
Displacement edge abutting other edges
Help understanding the VBSP compile warning about displacement edge abutting other edges.