Entities are Missing in Exported Scene
Solutions on missing entities in exported game level
Information on why some entities might not export into the game and how to fix that.
Advanced Texture Controls
With Wall Worm Pro, you can export arbitrary texture maps as VTF files in Source.
Wall Worm Sends Greetings in 2016
First Wall Worm blog of 2016 with new videos, new level design contest and review of 3ds Max 2016.
Using 4Way Blends

Overview of creating and working with Lightmapped_4WayBlend shaders in Wall Worm.
Displacement Alpha Blending
Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.
Export Body Groups | $bodygroup
You can export body groups ($bodygroups) directly into Source in 3ds Max.
Source 2 Engine
Wall Worm and Source 2. Information on Counter-Strike 2 and Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Creating Entities
Details on what objects automatically export as entities in a VMF and how to manually create other entities.