Map Exporter
Wall Worm's MAP export for Goldsrc.
PBR Material Support
PBR Material support in Wall Worm.
When Opening Scene there is a startup script error.
Anvil embeds reference to a script in your 3ds Max scripts folder. If that file is missing, there can be an error.
Anvil embeds some scripts for scene startup to protect displacements from being invalidated via improper manipulation. Older versions of Anvil referenced a file that could cause an error if missing.
Exporting WWMT Models to GoldSource
Information on requirements to export and compile WWMT Models from 3ds Max into Goldsource.
FGD Parser Problems
Details on known issues with the FGD parser in the free version of Wall Worm.
Getting Started with WWMT
Getting started with using the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Other Tools
Some of the less common tools packaged with Wall Worm.
Convert Blends and 4ways to OSL
Converting DX Blend Shaders to renderable OSL shaders.
Stereo Flexes
Instructions on painting stereo weights to export into DMX.
OSL Blendmodulate
OSL Blendmodulate mask to generate a mask as with a WorldVertexTransition shader in Source.