Export Multiple Texture Skins
You can give your model multiple skins (textures) so that the same mesh can look differently in different uses.
Using WWMT
Articles on using the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Overview of Wall Worm Model Tools
Overview on what it is that Wall Worm Model Tools is and does.
Alpha Spec
This utility is a helper function to convert your Specular Level bitmap into the Alpha channel of another bitmap.
Known Issues
Known issues with various Wall Worm tools.
Models and QC
Information on exporting models and QC files.
BSP Topics
Basic discussion of BSP, VBSP and compiling topics.
Texture and VTex Errors
Topics pertaining to errors compiling VTF Textures from bitmaps in Source.
Purging Corrupt Utility Files
Instructions on deleting corrupt utility files that can stop Wall Worm from working correctly.