User Interface
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VMT Browser

The VMT Browser in Wall Worm allows you to browse, preview and assign materials from your game.
Advanced Bone Settings
Information on adding bones to your model or controlling advanced parameters.
Global Settings and Configuration
This floater controls global settings for Wall Worm. The settings control some system settings as well as default settings for common tools and actions in Wall Worm.
Prop Data & Gibs Rollout
This rollout lets you assign prop_data values to your prop so that it can be used as a prop_physics in Source. YOu can also assign custom Gibs models with this rollout.
Utilities Rollout
The utulities rollout contains various features, functions and utilities to help work with WWMT models.
Lighting Rollout
This rollout contains lighting controls and other miscellaneous controls that are either rarely used or are experimental.
Attachments & Particle System UI
Attachments are points on your model where you can attach extra models and particle systems (guns, sprites, etc). This page details both Attachments and Particle Systems since the Particle System controls are also in the attachment rollout.
WWMT Level of Detail Model List
This rollout displays all of the LOD (Level of Detail) models in your model. Inside this rollout you can select the helpers that control LOD switch distances, vertex count percentages and add/append models to your LOD models.