OSL: Swirl
OSL Swirl is a simple texture map with a few controls on making swirl textures or swirl masks.
OSL Blendmodulate
OSL Blendmodulate mask to generate a mask as with a WorldVertexTransition shader in Source.
OSL WorldVertexTransition
The OSL Shader for WorldVertexTransition.
The Grid and Manipulation
Documents on the grid and related topics.
VBSP.exe has stopped working
VBSP can crash if there are no entities or world geometry in your scene.
Mass Model Fetch
The Mass Model Fetch Utility allows you to import multiple props into your scene at once.
Rotating Textures
Instructions on creating VMTs that animate the texture rotation.
Export Multiple Texture Skins
You can give your model multiple skins (textures) so that the same mesh can look differently in different uses.
Using WWMT
Articles on using the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Grouped Geometry is Not Supported
When exporting grouped models to SMD, the SMD exporter will fail to export your model correctly.