Rotating Textures
Instructions on creating VMTs that animate the texture rotation.
Displacement Texture Scale Sometimes Incorrect
Understanding Displacement Blend Texture Scale
This page explains one cause for displacement materials to be scaled incorrectly in Source as well as the solution. You should use bitmaps of equal dimensions in both materials controlling the Blend material.
Overview Exporter
The Overview/Radar texture exporter allows you to export an overview texture straight from your Max scene.
Bad Texture Alignment on Brush Geometry and Displacements
Fixed in VMF Exporter 1.21 (WWMT 1.768)
The current VMF Exporter does not yet export the correct texture alignment, rotation and scaling on brush geometry and displacements.
Export Textures
How to export your model textures from 3ds Max to Source.
Exporting SMD/VTA with WW Pro with a Morpher Modifier
Sometimes WW Pro will have a problem exporting a model with a Morpher modifier if the normals cache is not being displayed properly.
Washed Out Textures
Instructions of getting your materials to import without being washed out in color.