Overview of Wall Worm Model Tools
Overview on what it is that Wall Worm Model Tools is and does.
Alpha Spec
This utility is a helper function to convert your Specular Level bitmap into the Alpha channel of another bitmap.
Known Issues
Known issues with various Wall Worm tools.
BSP Topics
Basic discussion of BSP, VBSP and compiling topics.
Purging Corrupt Utility Files
Instructions on deleting corrupt utility files that can stop Wall Worm from working correctly.
Cordon Manager
The cordon manager lets you use multiple cordons and limit the compiling of your level to the area inside the cordon.
Studiomdl.exe - Model has 2-dimensional geometry
Relates also to: Error with convex elements of Mesh
This error is usually caused by models having a $concave flag that do not have proper collision hulls.
Exporting SMD/VTA with WW Pro with a Morpher Modifier
Sometimes WW Pro will have a problem exporting a model with a Morpher modifier if the normals cache is not being displayed properly.
Hitboxes and Bone Properties
The bone tools allow you to give specific bones artbitrary surface properties, set mass bias and create hitboxes and hitbox groups.