Brush Geometry
How to export brush geometry with the Wall Worm VMF Exporter.
Updates to WW are Missing
Steps on fixing Wall Worm to use the latest version that is installed.
Entities are Missing in Exported Scene
Solutions on missing entities in exported game level
Information on why some entities might not export into the game and how to fix that.
Source Shader Settings
Control many Source VMT parameters directly inside 3ds Max.
Advanced Texture Controls
With Wall Worm Pro, you can export arbitrary texture maps as VTF files in Source.
Export Multiple Texture Skins
You can give your model multiple skins (textures) so that the same mesh can look differently in different uses.
DMX, SMD and VTA Exporter
Explanation of the DMX, SMD andVTA Exporter packaged with Wall Worm. Use the SMD Exporter or VTA exporter to get your models into Source.
MDL File Loader
Geometry Plugin to load Valve's MDL files directly into 3ds Max.