Brush Materials and Decals
A beginning to end example of making and exporting brush materials and decals.
This document details the Wall Worm toolset for exporting brush materials and decals. Also included is a sample download file (in 3ds Max 2013 format). A video is at the bottom of the page that walks you through the complete process. If you have Wall Worm Pro, please see the docs on Advanced Texture Controls.
Please note that this document refers to using the Legacy Material settings. Newer docs should be used for more standard WW methods.
Brush materials get exported to a folder that comes from its name. The way that material is named will detemine the name of the VMT and the output path of the exported VTF files.
Material Example
Assume you have a material named mymaterials/walls/brick1 that has a diffuse bitmap that has a filename of brickdiffuse.tga ... the following files will be exported to the following paths.
- mymaterials/walls/brick1.vmt
- mymaterials/walls/brick1/brickdiffuse.vtf
If you rename the material to mymaterials/walls/brick1/ (note the trailing slash) then the files will export this:
- mymaterials/walls/brick1/brickdiffuse.vmt
- mymaterials/walls/brick1/brickdiffuse.vtf
Important Note: The material explanation above is no longer valid unless you have the Legacy VTF and Legacy Tex Names options turned on in the main WW settings. In the latest versions of WW, the default is that VTF output paths is determined by the name of the bitmap node and the name of the material determines the output path and name of the VMT.
The Example and Video
Download the example file: Export Materials and Decal . This file is in 3ds Max 2013 format, so if you do not have 3ds Max 2013, you will need to upgrade. Students should be able to get the latest version for free. Also make sure you have the very latest version of Wall Worm.
- Samples and Tutorials
- Exporting a Level from 3ds Max into Source
- Brush Materials and Decals
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