Map Exporter

Posted Jan 17, 2015
Last Updated Jan 6, 2018

Wall Worm 2.505+ adds support for exporting your scene as a MAP file for Goldsource. It uses the same UI as the VMF exporter. When the global WW Engine Settings are set to Goldsrc, the VMF Export dialog will export MAP files instead of VMF files by default.

Objects the MAP Exporter exports:

  • World Geometry
  • Entities
  • WWMT Models (as cycler entities by default)
  • WWMT Proxies (as cycler entities by default)

The value for the skyname are derived from Sky Writer objects just like with the VMF exporter. The WAD file is hardcoded to match the level's name in the Game Info Directory (see the WAD Exporter), those listed in the global wads setting, and any stored in the map properties node. Be aware that if the wad list is too long, it will invalidate the MAP file. If using many wads, prefer putting them all into a root folder like "C:\wads" to keep the path strings smaller.

Other types of data that export with the VMF Exporter are not exported to MAP because the MAP format does not support those objects or they are not yet supported in WW. Unsupported objects include Displacements, Visgroups, Cordons, Cameras and possibly other objects.

Compiling Goldsource Level

To compile into Goldsource, set turn on the Compile option in the exporter and then export the scene. Make sure to only use Goldsource-related compiler commands or there will be an error.

Note that you can also export the scene as an RMF file (which is the native format used in Worldcraft and older versions of Hammer). That format is only for opening directly in Hammer. The RMF format will not compile. So if you need to compile, export as MAP instead of RMF.

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