A Decade of Wall Worm
Wall Worm turned 10 years old in 2020. Here is a little status update.
Converting Displacements to Models
Steps on converting a collection of displacements to props.
Scrolling Textures
Steps for creating scrolling textures and exporting to Source.
VBSP Parser
Import Detail Sprites into 3ds Max
Import prop details from your VBSP files.
Brush Geometry
How to export brush geometry with the Wall Worm VMF Exporter.
Creating Entities
Details on what objects automatically export as entities in a VMF and how to manually create other entities.
Washed Out Textures
Instructions of getting your materials to import without being washed out in color.
FGD Parser Problems
Details on known issues with the FGD parser in the free version of Wall Worm.
Advanced Bone Settings
Information on adding bones to your model or controlling advanced parameters.