Scrolling Textures

Posted May 19, 2016
Last Updated May 19, 2016

Making scrolling textures is simple inside 3ds Max. Here are the steps to make a texture scroll:

  1. Create a Standard Material
  2. Apply a diffuse Bitmap to the material
  3. Press Autokey in the Max timeline
  4. Move the timeline slider to frame 30
  5. Open the Bitmap (above) in the material editor
  6. In the Coordinates rollout, change the U/V offsets
  7. Export the Material to Source

Doing these steps will add a block of code into the VMT that looks like this:

 $basetexture "wallworm/videos/bsp_road"
   texturescrollvar $basetexturetransform
   texturescrollrate 1
   texturescrollangle 90

  • In Max, the default time setting is 30 fps.
  • The speed of the scrolling is determined by how far the texture moves in one second.
Dynamic Textures

Documents on exporting texture animations, transformations and effects into Source.

  1. Scrolling Textures
  2. Rotating Textures
  3. Animated Textures
  4. Exporting Animated Particle Textures

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