Animated Textures
You can export animated textures into Source from 3ds Max. Animated textures will change the image over time. You could, for example, make a texture that changes from a happy face to a sad face as the animation plays.
Wall Worm exports Bitmap textures that have a IFL (Image File List) as the source of the bitmap. An IFL is a text file that lists image files.
For an IFL to work, the filename of the IFL must match frame 0 of the IFL list. Morever, the IFL must contain sequentially numbered files.
3ds Max allows you to create IFL at render-time in with a checkbox near the File button in the Render Setup dialog. You can also create an IFL from a sequence of images when opening a sequence in Max's RAM Player.
Doing these steps will add a block of code into the VMT that looks like this:
$basetexture "wallworm/videos/glowing_lava0"
$bumpmap "wallworm/videos/lava_normal"
animatedTextureVar $basetexture
animatedTextureFrameNumVar $frame
animatedTextureFrameRate 1
- In Max, the default time setting is 30 fps.
- You can control the exported frame rate in both the bitmap's Time control (it is a multiplier).
- For Animated Textures, WW Pro falls back to the standard VTEX.EXE to generate the VTF file.
- Dynamic Textures
Documents on exporting texture animations, transformations and effects into Source.
- Scrolling Textures
- Rotating Textures
- Animated Textures
- Exporting Animated Particle Textures
- Related Topics