Animated Textures

Posted May 19, 2016
Last Updated May 19, 2016

You can export animated textures into Source from 3ds Max. Animated textures will change the image over time. You could, for example, make a texture that changes from a happy face to a sad face as the animation plays.

Wall Worm exports Bitmap textures that have a IFL (Image File List) as the source of the bitmap. An IFL is a text file that lists image files.

For an IFL to work, the filename of the IFL must match frame 0 of the IFL list. Morever, the IFL must contain sequentially numbered files.

3ds Max allows you to create IFL at render-time in with a checkbox near the File button in the Render Setup dialog. You can also create an IFL from a sequence of images when opening a sequence in Max's RAM Player.

Doing these steps will add a block of code into the VMT that looks like this:

 $basetexture "wallworm/videos/glowing_lava0"
 $bumpmap "wallworm/videos/lava_normal"
   animatedTextureVar $basetexture
   animatedTextureFrameNumVar $frame
   animatedTextureFrameRate 1

  • In Max, the default time setting is 30 fps.
  • You can control the exported frame rate in both the bitmap's Time control (it is a multiplier).
  • For Animated Textures, WW Pro falls back to the standard VTEX.EXE to generate the VTF file.
Dynamic Textures

Documents on exporting texture animations, transformations and effects into Source.

  1. Scrolling Textures
  2. Rotating Textures
  3. Animated Textures
  4. Exporting Animated Particle Textures

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