Making Facial Animations
This page explains how to export your facial animations into Source. Facial animations are done using a different procedure than most animations in Source.
Snap Verts To Grid Modifier
The Snap Verts To Grid Modifier snaps all the vertices in the object to the world grid based on the grid spacing settings in the modifier.
Random Elements
Random Elements Modifier lets you randomize position, rotation and scale of geometry or UVs at the element level.
Using Props in Your Scene
Article on re-using existing props in a scene.
Texture and VTex Errors
Topics pertaining to errors compiling VTF Textures from bitmaps in Source.
OSL: Multi Gradient
The Multi Gradient OSL map has several gradient masking options.
Convert Blends and 4ways to OSL
Converting DX Blend Shaders to renderable OSL shaders.