Transparency and Reflections
Tutorial and example scene on making a material that has reflectivity that matches the transparency in 3ds Max.
Miscellaneous Anvil Tools
An overview and explanation of several functions included in the Miscellaneous tab of Anvil.
Unexpected Model Orientation in VMF Exporter
Fixed in WWMT 1.772
The orientation of models in the QC Generator has been flipped on the Z-axis and the VMF Exporter is also rotated to accomodate this result. You may need to recompile models compiled before the 1.772 update.
Making Your Sky
Series on making your 2D Sky and 3D Skybox in 3ds Max for the Source Engine.
Studiomdl.exe - Model has 2-dimensional geometry
Relates also to: Error with convex elements of Mesh
This error is usually caused by models having a $concave flag that do not have proper collision hulls.
Some PSDs can crash VTEX
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas must be converted
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas can sometimes crash VTEX.
Texture and VTex Errors
Topics pertaining to errors compiling VTF Textures from bitmaps in Source.
Grouped Geometry is Not Supported
When exporting grouped models to SMD, the SMD exporter will fail to export your model correctly.
Nothing Happens When You Hit Export
Model does not compile when you hit export. Here are some solutions.