Generating LODs
The Level of Detail Generator on the Level of Detail Tools Rollout lets you generate LOD models from the root mesh. The tool will make lower-res versions of your model so that less polygons are rendered in-game when players move farther away.
Prop Data & Gibs Rollout
This rollout lets you assign prop_data values to your prop so that it can be used as a prop_physics in Source. YOu can also assign custom Gibs models with this rollout.
Snap Verts To Grid Modifier
The Snap Verts To Grid Modifier snaps all the vertices in the object to the world grid based on the grid spacing settings in the modifier.
OSL: Lightmapped_4Wayblend
The Lightmapped_4Wayblend OSL map allows you to render 4way blends for props.
Slow Closing File or 3ds Max
This problem is fixed with sculpt meshes created with WW 2.82+.
3ds Max seems to hang when closing a file with a large sculpt mesh.