Unknown Bitmap Filetypes Crash VMF Exporter
Do not use bitmap filetypes that Max doesn't know how to read.
Using unknown bitmap types on world geometry and displacements will crash the VMF Exporter. This currently happens if using VTFs in materials in 3ds Max 2013 since there is no VTF plugin yet.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2011-2014
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1.X changelog in 2011 through 2014.
Mass Model Fetch
The Mass Model Fetch Utility allows you to import multiple props into your scene at once.
When Opening Scene there is a startup script error.
Anvil embeds reference to a script in your 3ds Max scripts folder. If that file is missing, there can be an error.
Anvil embeds some scripts for scene startup to protect displacements from being invalidated via improper manipulation. Older versions of Anvil referenced a file that could cause an error if missing.
Collision Hulls in 3ds Max for Source
Using WWMT in 3ds Max to create your model's collision hull with the Quick Hull feature.
Making Facial Animations
This page explains how to export your facial animations into Source. Facial animations are done using a different procedure than most animations in Source.
Scene Management
Topics related to scene management tools in 3ds Max and Wall Worm.
Rad Topics
Articles related to making and using radiosity in your levels.
Entities are Missing in Exported Scene
Solutions on missing entities in exported game level
Information on why some entities might not export into the game and how to fix that.