Miscellaneous Anvil Tools
An overview and explanation of several functions included in the Miscellaneous tab of Anvil.
Wall Worm Sends Greetings in 2016
First Wall Worm blog of 2016 with new videos, new level design contest and review of 3ds Max 2016.
Error When Updating Wall Worm
Some problems that can occur when updating Wall Worm and Wall Worm Pro, along with some workarounds.
Prop Libraries
Creating Prop Libraries for re-using assets in Wall Worm Projects.
Level Design
An introduction into level design for Source using 3ds Max.
Making Facial Animations
This page explains how to export your facial animations into Source. Facial animations are done using a different procedure than most animations in Source.
Understanding Wall Worm Displacements
Overview on working with displacements in 3ds Max for the Source Game Engine.
On the Grid
Information and videos on using the grid in 3ds Max for Source Engine Level Design.
Anatomy of a Design Team
Teamwork in 3ds Max
This documents the most efficient setup of 3ds Max, Wall Worm and team organization for a Source Engine Project.