Displacement Proxies
Displacement Proxies allow teams to work more efficiently with displacements in multiple files.
Understanding Wall Worm Displacements
Overview on working with displacements in 3ds Max for the Source Game Engine.
An overview of creating displacements for the Source Game Engine inside 3ds Max using Anvil.
Displacements Fail to Export

Some tips on troubleshooting displacements failing to export from Max into Source.
Converting Displacements to Models
Steps on converting a collection of displacements to props.
WWMT Proxy Tools
Wall Worm Proxies are objects that let you re-use a model in a scene that you are exporting into a VMF.
Recovering a Displacement Mesh
This page explains how to recover your displacements from a Sculpt Mesh that was never committed.
Export Multiple Texture Skins
You can give your model multiple skins (textures) so that the same mesh can look differently in different uses.
Wall Worm: Work Flows and Other Things
Some new videos on the Wall Worm Workflow for Source.
Slow Closing File or 3ds Max
This problem is fixed with sculpt meshes created with WW 2.82+.
3ds Max seems to hang when closing a file with a large sculpt mesh.