Finding Leaks in 3ds Max
Some information on finding and troubleshooting leaks.
Displacements Fail to Export
Some tips on troubleshooting displacements failing to export from Max into Source.
Some PSDs can crash VTEX
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas must be converted
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas can sometimes crash VTEX.
Articles to help troubleshoot problems with Wall Worm, 3ds Max and/or the Source Game Engine.
MDL Loader isn't working
Instructions on manually setting the correct plugin paths if WW did not set them during installation.
Wall Worm 4, 3ds Max 2020 and Black Mesa News
Wall Worm 4.0 Released and other news about 3ds Max.
3ds Max 2020
Wall Worm plugins available for 3ds Max 2020.
3ds Max 2019
All Wall Worm plugins now support 3ds Max 2019.
3ds Max Tools
3ds Max Tools that help with game development. All tools have been or are actively used by Wall Worm.