DX Display Shaders
Information on the DX shaders used by Wall Worm.
Bitmaps to Materials
Information on creating substance-driven material libraries and generating tri-planar projection textures without need for UV mapping.
Stereo Flexes
Instructions on painting stereo weights to export into DMX.
OSL Blendmodulate
OSL Blendmodulate mask to generate a mask as with a WorldVertexTransition shader in Source.
OSL WorldVertexTransition
The OSL Shader for WorldVertexTransition.
Overview Exporter
The Overview/Radar texture exporter allows you to export an overview texture straight from your Max scene.
Imported Brush UV Scale Wrong
Fix for importing correct UVs on brushes when the source texture is not a power of 2.
Starter Kits

Source Engine level design starter kits will automate some entity setups for common level design tasks.