Miscellaneous Anvil Tools
An overview and explanation of several functions included in the Miscellaneous tab of Anvil.
Brush Materials have incorrect rotation and scale when using the DirectX Shader
The Wall Worm Material Library Generator originally created DirectX Materials for all materials. But updates to the VMF Exporter changed the way materials are interpretted. Whenever possible, you should not use DirectX Materials.
Running the Model Tools
How to run the Wall Worm Model Tools for the first time.
Setting Up Wall Worm for Goldsource
Overview of setting up Wall Worm for Goldsrc.
Lightmap Scale
This article details the process of setting lightmap scale on objects, displacements and faces with Wall Worm Anvil's lightmap tools.
Unknown System Exception
Steps on fixing problems with an Unknown System Exception when importing files.
Privacy Policy
The Wall Worm Privacy Policy.
End User License Agreement
End User License Agreement for Wall Worm Products.
Phong Materials
Setting up a Phong material for Source using Wall Worm.