Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier
3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.
Arch Primitive
The Arch Primitive is a scripted geometry plugin for 3ds Max that creates arches for world geometry in BSP games such as those made on the Source Engine
Displacement Texture Scale Sometimes Incorrect
Understanding Displacement Blend Texture Scale
This page explains one cause for displacement materials to be scaled incorrectly in Source as well as the solution. You should use bitmaps of equal dimensions in both materials controlling the Blend material.
Washed Out Textures
Instructions of getting your materials to import without being washed out in color.
Importing Source Assets
This series covers the steps needed to re-use Source assets inside of 3ds Max.
Some PSDs can crash VTEX
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas must be converted
PSD files created with Viewport Canvas can sometimes crash VTEX.
Snap Verts To Grid Modifier
The Snap Verts To Grid Modifier snaps all the vertices in the object to the world grid based on the grid spacing settings in the modifier.
Why are Models Appearing as Cubes?
When reopening a scene the models can appear as cubes if the game settings do not include paths to the source MDL files.
This document explains why models can appear as cubes instead of props when importing VMF or MDL nodes.