Exporting SMD/VTA with WW Pro with a Morpher Modifier
Sometimes WW Pro will have a problem exporting a model with a Morpher modifier if the normals cache is not being displayed properly.
Grouped Geometry is Not Supported
When exporting grouped models to SMD, the SMD exporter will fail to export your model correctly.
BSP Topics
Basic discussion of BSP, VBSP and compiling topics.
Utilities Rollout
The utulities rollout contains various features, functions and utilities to help work with WWMT models.
Lighting Rollout
This rollout contains lighting controls and other miscellaneous controls that are either rarely used or are experimental.
WWMT Level of Detail Model List
This rollout displays all of the LOD (Level of Detail) models in your model. Inside this rollout you can select the helpers that control LOD switch distances, vertex count percentages and add/append models to your LOD models.
Level of Detail (LOD) Generator & Tools Rollout
The Level of Detail Tools Rollout gives you controls for making LOD models and other LOD-related tools.