Global Settings and Configuration
This floater controls global settings for Wall Worm. The settings control some system settings as well as default settings for common tools and actions in Wall Worm.
Entities are Missing in Exported Scene
Solutions on missing entities in exported game level
Information on why some entities might not export into the game and how to fix that.
WWMT Utilities
Some information on utilities in Wall Worm.
Wall Worm, the Angry Teapot and the Art of Xen
Latest news on Wall Worm development, the Angry Teapot Awards and some insight on the future development of Xen in Black Mesa.
Wall Worm Gets Tanked
Well... I mean Wall Worm is used on a Tank.
Some news and spotlight about Wall Worm, tools, users and projects.
WWMT Changelog
Wall Worm tools changelog. Includes information and release date on each update to Wall Worm.
Wall Worm: Work Flows and Other Things
Some new videos on the Wall Worm Workflow for Source.
Frequently Asked Questions
Some of the most frequently asked questions asked by Wall Worm users.
Model & Basic QC Rollout
Explanation of the model and basic qc rollout inside WWMT where you assign the mesh, set model/material paths and set some basic parameters.
Nothing Happens When You Hit Export
Model does not compile when you hit export. Here are some solutions.