Visgroup Manager

The Visgroup Manager in Wall Worm allows you to arbitrarily show/hide objects in your scene.
CorVex Utility Floater
Basic overview of the CorVex Utility Floater.
Why are Models Appearing as Cubes?
When reopening a scene the models can appear as cubes if the game settings do not include paths to the source MDL files.
This document explains why models can appear as cubes instead of props when importing VMF or MDL nodes.
Back to the Future with BSP
Newsletter #2 in 2016 with recent updates in Wall Worm, talk about the level design contest and random thoughts.
Displacement Alpha Blending
Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.
Your 2D Sky and Sky Writer

Overview of setting up a scene in 3ds Max to render out as a 2D sky for your level with Sky Writer.
Getting Started with your Sky
Getting started with your level with the intent of building both a 2D sky and 3D Skybox.
Wall Worm Year in Review: 2013
Review of Wall Worm development in 2013.