Texturing World Geometry in 3ds Max
Basic tips on texturing world geometry in Max, especially for those with a Hammer background.
Wall Worm Turns Five Years Old
Wall Worm launched on November 18, 2010. This post discusses the journey from then through November 2015.
Exporting a Level from 3ds Max into Source
Brush Geometry, 3D Skybox, 2D Sky, Animated Textures
Video tutorial and sample file on exporting a 3ds Max scene into a Source VMF file with Wall Worm.
Collision Hulls in 3ds Max for Source
Using WWMT in 3ds Max to create your model's collision hull with the Quick Hull feature.
Slow Closing File or 3ds Max
This problem is fixed with sculpt meshes created with WW 2.82+.
3ds Max seems to hang when closing a file with a large sculpt mesh.
Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier
3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.
Gmod and Wall Worm
Set Up Wall Worm for Garry's Mod in 3ds Max
Instructions and video on setting up Wall Worm to export levels, models and materials using Wall Worm 3.71+ and 3ds Max 2018.
Making Ragdolls in 3ds Max for Source
Making a ragdoll requires you to use the hierarchy tab in the command panel, which may be a new area for less experienced modelers. Watch the video here to get a basic overview of how to make a ragdoll for Source.
Finding Leaks in 3ds Max
Some information on finding and troubleshooting leaks.
Bitmap Crop and Coordinates in 3ds Max
Tutorial on using the BitmapTexture crop function with models and world geometry.