VBSP Parser
Import Detail Sprites into 3ds Max
Import prop details from your VBSP files.
Gmod and Wall Worm
Set Up Wall Worm for Garry's Mod in 3ds Max
Instructions and video on setting up Wall Worm to export levels, models and materials using Wall Worm 3.71+ and 3ds Max 2018.
Importing Models
Articles and documents related to importing model assets into 3ds Max.
Entity Cache
Explanation on how Entities are generated and stored on your computer.
SMD, VTA and QC Importer
Information on importing SMD files and QC files from Source into 3ds Max.
VMDL Exporter
Exporting VMDL files from 3ds Max into Counter-Strike 2.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 4 Changelog
Archive of Changelog early 2019 to early 2020
Archive of Wall Worm Version 4.X changelog in early 2019 through early 2020.
A Decade of Wall Worm
Wall Worm turned 10 years old in 2020. Here is a little status update.
OSL Blendmodulate
OSL Blendmodulate mask to generate a mask as with a WorldVertexTransition shader in Source.
Batch Import Levels
Batch import levels from Source and Goldsource into 3ds Max or FBX format.