Creating Entities
Details on what objects automatically export as entities in a VMF and how to manually create other entities.
Overview of Wall Worm Model Tools
Overview on what it is that Wall Worm Model Tools is and does.
Prop Libraries
Creating Prop Libraries for re-using assets in Wall Worm Projects.
3ds Max 2020
Wall Worm plugins available for 3ds Max 2020.
Gmod and Wall Worm
Set Up Wall Worm for Garry's Mod in 3ds Max
Instructions and video on setting up Wall Worm to export levels, models and materials using Wall Worm 3.71+ and 3ds Max 2018.
Wall Worm Turns Five Years Old
Wall Worm launched on November 18, 2010. This post discusses the journey from then through November 2015.
3ds Max 2019
All Wall Worm plugins now support 3ds Max 2019.
Wall Worm, Still Squirming
First Wall Worm blog entry. A brief discussion on the past, present and future of Wall Worm.
Export Body Groups | $bodygroup
You can export body groups ($bodygroups) directly into Source in 3ds Max.
Wall Worm Beta Changelog
Archive of Changelog from 2010
Archive of the Wall Worm Model Tools beta changelog for versions 0.5 to 0.999.