SMD, VTA and QC Importer

Information on importing SMD files and QC files from Source into 3ds Max.
Wall Worm, Still Squirming
First Wall Worm blog entry. A brief discussion on the past, present and future of Wall Worm.
Wall Worm, the Angry Teapot and the Art of Xen

Latest news on Wall Worm development, the Angry Teapot Awards and some insight on the future development of Xen in Black Mesa.
Wall Worm: Work Flows and Other Things
Some new videos on the Wall Worm Workflow for Source.
Wall Worm Year in Review: 2013
Review of Wall Worm development in 2013.
Preparing Your Model
Preparing your model to export your model with WWMT in 3ds Max to the Source Engine.
VMF Exporter
The Wall Worm tools allows you to send your 3ds Max scene to Hammer and Source via a VMF Exporter.
On the Grid
Information and videos on using the grid in 3ds Max for Source Engine Level Design.
Wall Worm Gets Tanked
Well... I mean Wall Worm is used on a Tank.
Some news and spotlight about Wall Worm, tools, users and projects.