Level Design
An introduction into level design for Source using 3ds Max.
VBSP Parser
Import Detail Sprites into 3ds Max
Import prop details from your VBSP files.
Installing Wall Worm Model Tools
Instructions on installing the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Sky Writer
Sky writer allows you to render your 3ds Max scene straight into the Source Game Engine as a HDR 2D sky texture (also known as a cubemap).
Displacement Alpha Blending
Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.
MDL File Loader
Geometry Plugin to load Valve's MDL files directly into 3ds Max.
Vtex.exe - Problem figuring out outputdir
You can get this error when you've saved your TGA files to an incorrect path.
Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier
3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.
Tutorial: Nuclear Cooling Towers
How to create nuclear cooling towers with Displacements
Tutorial on creating nuclear cooling towers as displacements for the Source Engine.
Nudge Tools
Nudge Tools in Wall Worm