Exporting Animated Particle Textures
Instructions on exporting animated textures straight from 3ds Max into the Particle Editor.
Texturing World Geometry in 3ds Max
Basic tips on texturing world geometry in Max, especially for those with a Hammer background.
My Material is always Transparent but I don't want it to be
Information on outputting the desired alpha settings for your materials.
Updates to WW are Missing
Steps on fixing Wall Worm to use the latest version that is installed.
Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier
3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.
On the Grid
Information and videos on using the grid in 3ds Max for Source Engine Level Design.
Arch Primitive
The Arch Primitive is a scripted geometry plugin for 3ds Max that creates arches for world geometry in BSP games such as those made on the Source Engine
Wall Worm: Work Flows and Other Things
Some new videos on the Wall Worm Workflow for Source.
Unknown System Exception
Steps on fixing problems with an Unknown System Exception when importing files.