Exporting WWMT Models to GoldSource
Information on requirements to export and compile WWMT Models from 3ds Max into Goldsource.
Advanced Texture Controls
With Wall Worm Pro, you can export arbitrary texture maps as VTF files in Source.
Snap Verts To Grid Modifier
The Snap Verts To Grid Modifier snaps all the vertices in the object to the world grid based on the grid spacing settings in the modifier.
Illegal Characters in Path
Solving some problems with special characters and illegal characters in filename paths.
The Age of Free Game Engines is Here
The game engines are all going free and Wall Worm Pro is now available.
Help! There was an Error and Now Max is Frozen
If there is a MAXScript error during some functions, the MAX UI can remain in limbo (frozen or non-responsive). Here is the function to fix this.
Prop Libraries
Creating Prop Libraries for re-using assets in Wall Worm Projects.
Using Props in Your Scene
Article on re-using existing props in a scene.