Making Your Sky
Series on making your 2D Sky and 3D Skybox in 3ds Max for the Source Engine.
Lightmap Scale
This article details the process of setting lightmap scale on objects, displacements and faces with Wall Worm Anvil's lightmap tools.
VMF Exporter
The Wall Worm tools allows you to send your 3ds Max scene to Hammer and Source via a VMF Exporter.
3ds Max Tools
3ds Max Tools that help with game development. All tools have been or are actively used by Wall Worm.
BSP Topics
Basic discussion of BSP, VBSP and compiling topics.
Normal Tools
Normal Tools are a collection of utilities and functions for quickly editing your Normals in 3ds Max.
VMT Browser
The VMT Browser in Wall Worm allows you to browse, preview and assign materials from your game.
Exporting Correct Smoothing on Models
Understanding Smoothing Groups and Explicit Normals
Discussion on smoothing groups and explicit normals and how they relate to Source.
Snap Verts To Grid Modifier
The Snap Verts To Grid Modifier snaps all the vertices in the object to the world grid based on the grid spacing settings in the modifier.