Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier
3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.
Hitboxes and Bone Properties
The bone tools allow you to give specific bones artbitrary surface properties, set mass bias and create hitboxes and hitbox groups.
Wall Worm 4, 3ds Max 2020 and Black Mesa News
Wall Worm 4.0 Released and other news about 3ds Max.
Porting Levels into Source
General Overview of Converting Scenes that Were Not Designed with Source in Mind
Overview on porting scenes and levels from other sources.
Collision Hulls in 3ds Max for Source
Using WWMT in 3ds Max to create your model's collision hull with the Quick Hull feature.
Level of Detail (LOD) Generator & Tools Rollout
The Level of Detail Tools Rollout gives you controls for making LOD models and other LOD-related tools.
Model Utilities
The Models tab in Anvil lets you create proxies for WWMT models, set prop types and control many properties and settings for WWMT helpers in the scene.
Lighting Rollout
This rollout contains lighting controls and other miscellaneous controls that are either rarely used or are experimental.