Level of Detail (LOD) Generator & Tools Rollout
The Level of Detail Tools Rollout gives you controls for making LOD models and other LOD-related tools.
WWMT Level of Detail Model List
This rollout displays all of the LOD (Level of Detail) models in your model. Inside this rollout you can select the helpers that control LOD switch distances, vertex count percentages and add/append models to your LOD models.
Lighting Rollout
This rollout contains lighting controls and other miscellaneous controls that are either rarely used or are experimental.
Alpha Spec
This utility is a helper function to convert your Specular Level bitmap into the Alpha channel of another bitmap.
Bad Texture Alignment on Brush Geometry and Displacements
Fixed in VMF Exporter 1.21 (WWMT 1.768)
The current VMF Exporter does not yet export the correct texture alignment, rotation and scaling on brush geometry and displacements.
CorVex Utility Floater
Basic overview of the CorVex Utility Floater.
Source Tools
Modeling Resources for the Source Game Engine. Links to helpful tools, sites and resources.
Unknown Bitmap Filetypes Crash VMF Exporter
Do not use bitmap filetypes that Max doesn't know how to read.
Using unknown bitmap types on world geometry and displacements will crash the VMF Exporter. This currently happens if using VTFs in materials in 3ds Max 2013 since there is no VTF plugin yet.
Exporting WWMT Models to GoldSource
Information on requirements to export and compile WWMT Models from 3ds Max into Goldsource.
Utilities Rollout
The utulities rollout contains various features, functions and utilities to help work with WWMT models.