Archive of Wall Worm Version 1 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2011-2014
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1.X changelog in 2011 through 2014.
Getting Started with your Sky
Getting started with your level with the intent of building both a 2D sky and 3D Skybox.
Alpha Spec
This utility is a helper function to convert your Specular Level bitmap into the Alpha channel of another bitmap.
Your 2D Sky and Sky Writer
Overview of setting up a scene in 3ds Max to render out as a 2D sky for your level with Sky Writer.
Back to the Future with BSP
Newsletter #2 in 2016 with recent updates in Wall Worm, talk about the level design contest and random thoughts.
Wall Worm Sends Greetings in 2016
First Wall Worm blog of 2016 with new videos, new level design contest and review of 3ds Max 2016.
This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.
Random Elements
Random Elements Modifier lets you randomize position, rotation and scale of geometry or UVs at the element level.
Brush Materials and Decals
A beginning to end example of making and exporting brush materials and decals.
A video and sample file to show you how to export textures, brush materials, decals and a simple level from 3ds Max into the Source Game Engine.