Porting Levels
Articles related to porting levels into Source using 3ds Max and Wall Worm.
WWMT Tutorials
Tutorials and videos on using Wall Worm tools.
Exporting Your Static Prop
Basic explanation on using WWMT to export your static prop into Source.
Getting Started with WWMT
Getting started with using the Wall Worm Model Tools.
Running Function with Keyboard Shortcut Opens Docs URL
Some of the MacroScripts in Wall Worm now have a default secondary action when executed with the SHIFT key held down.
Information on why keyboard shortcuts using the SHIFT key open the online documents for the function rather than running the function.
Rad Topics
Articles related to making and using radiosity in your levels.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2011-2014
Archive of Wall Worm Version 1.X changelog in 2011 through 2014.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2014 to early 2017
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2.X changelog in 2014 through early 2017.
WWMT Changelog
Wall Worm tools changelog. Includes information and release date on each update to Wall Worm.