Making Ragdolls in 3ds Max for Source
Making a ragdoll requires you to use the hierarchy tab in the command panel, which may be a new area for less experienced modelers. Watch the video here to get a basic overview of how to make a ragdoll for Source.
Making $jigglebones in 3ds Max for Source
$jigglebones are bones that can automatically generate secondary motion without being animated. Making a $jigglebone in WWMT requires you to use the hierarchy tab in the command panel, which may be a new area for less experienced modelers.
Anatomy of a Design Team
Teamwork in 3ds Max
This documents the most efficient setup of 3ds Max, Wall Worm and team organization for a Source Engine Project.
Studiomdl.exe - Check for write enable
This error occurs when the path for the output model does not exist. This is an error that happens at the compile stage and will happen if you are compiling straight from WWMT or by compiling manually from the batch file.
MAP and RMF Importer
3ds Max RMF and MAP file format importer.
Export Textures
How to export your model textures from 3ds Max to Source.
Brush Materials and Decals
A beginning to end example of making and exporting brush materials and decals.
A video and sample file to show you how to export textures, brush materials, decals and a simple level from 3ds Max into the Source Game Engine.
When Opening Scene there is a startup script error.
Anvil embeds reference to a script in your 3ds Max scripts folder. If that file is missing, there can be an error.
Anvil embeds some scripts for scene startup to protect displacements from being invalidated via improper manipulation. Older versions of Anvil referenced a file that could cause an error if missing.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2 Changelog
Archive of Changelog 2014 to early 2017
Archive of Wall Worm Version 2.X changelog in 2014 through early 2017.