Running the Model Tools
How to run the Wall Worm Model Tools for the first time.
WWMT Proxy Tools
Wall Worm Proxies are objects that let you re-use a model in a scene that you are exporting into a VMF.
My Model Scale is Wrong
All you need to know about getting your model scale correct.
Many new 3ds Max users have problems with the scale of their exported models not matching the scale in the Max UI. Here are some tips on solving that.
Back to the Future with BSP
Newsletter #2 in 2016 with recent updates in Wall Worm, talk about the level design contest and random thoughts.
Level of Detail (LOD) Generator & Tools Rollout
The Level of Detail Tools Rollout gives you controls for making LOD models and other LOD-related tools.
MDL File Loader
Geometry Plugin to load Valve's MDL files directly into 3ds Max.
Other Tools
Some of the less common tools packaged with Wall Worm.
Export Body Groups | $bodygroup
You can export body groups ($bodygroups) directly into Source in 3ds Max.
Batch Import Levels
Batch import levels from Source and Goldsource into 3ds Max or FBX format.
Source Tools
Modeling Resources for the Source Game Engine. Links to helpful tools, sites and resources.