Export Textures
How to export your model textures from 3ds Max to Source.
Attachments & Particle System UI
Attachments are points on your model where you can attach extra models and particle systems (guns, sprites, etc). This page details both Attachments and Particle Systems since the Particle System controls are also in the attachment rollout.
Transparency and Reflections
Tutorial and example scene on making a material that has reflectivity that matches the transparency in 3ds Max.
VMT Browser
The VMT Browser in Wall Worm allows you to browse, preview and assign materials from your game.
This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.
Archive of Wall Worm Version 4 Changelog
Archive of Changelog early 2019 to early 2020
Archive of Wall Worm Version 4.X changelog in early 2019 through early 2020.
Alpha Spec
This utility is a helper function to convert your Specular Level bitmap into the Alpha channel of another bitmap.
Generating LODs
The Level of Detail Generator on the Level of Detail Tools Rollout lets you generate LOD models from the root mesh. The tool will make lower-res versions of your model so that less polygons are rendered in-game when players move farther away.