Wall Worm Turns Five Years Old
Wall Worm launched on November 18, 2010. This post discusses the journey from then through November 2015.
WWMT Changelog
Wall Worm tools changelog. Includes information and release date on each update to Wall Worm.
Wall Worm Beta Changelog
Archive of Changelog from 2010
Archive of the Wall Worm Model Tools beta changelog for versions 0.5 to 0.999.
WWMT Level of Detail Model List
This rollout displays all of the LOD (Level of Detail) models in your model. Inside this rollout you can select the helpers that control LOD switch distances, vertex count percentages and add/append models to your LOD models.
A Source for New Tools
2016 Year in Review for Wall Worm
Halloween 2016 news for Wall Worm and the release of a new MDL Importer for 3ds Max.
Wall Worm Gets Tanked
Well... I mean Wall Worm is used on a Tank.
Some news and spotlight about Wall Worm, tools, users and projects.
Normal Tools
Normal Tools are a collection of utilities and functions for quickly editing your Normals in 3ds Max.
Wall Worm, Still Squirming
First Wall Worm blog entry. A brief discussion on the past, present and future of Wall Worm.
Wall Worm Year in Review: 2013
Review of Wall Worm development in 2013.
Wall Worm Pro
Wall Worm Pro enhances the features inside Wall Worm itself.