DXF Importer

Posted Jul 18, 2012
Last Updated Jul 18, 2012

Many Wall Worm users have asked for a VMF importer. In the future, I may add a VMF Importer. Until then, here is the next best thing: the DXF Importer. Since Hammer can export to DXF files and Max can import them, you can take the basic level design from Hammer and bring it into Max.

Creating the DXF File from Hammer

To create the DXF file, open your level in Hammer and click File > Export to DXF. It's that simple.

Importing the DXF into Max

  1. Click Wall Worm > Wall Worm Importers > Import DXF File
  2. Enter the default UVW Mapping Tile Size (because DXF will not translate UVW information).
  3. Click the Import DXF File button. Then browse to your DXF file.

What Happens Next

During the import process, Wall Worm will import the DXF File into the current scene. This process can take a long, long time. That is simply due to the slowness of the native DXF Importer. In some of my tests, it took up to fifteen (15) minutes!

Upon import, Wall Worm will weld all the vertices of the imported objects so that they are again valid brush geometry. Then a default Box UVW Map is applied to all objects with a length/width/height supplied in the importer UI and normals are unified. And because DXF also does not import materials, WW will apply a default tools/toolsnodraw material to all objects.

What Gets Imported

At the moment, only World Brush Geometry is imported.


If the scene will not export back into a valid VMF, you may have to flip the normals of the objects. You can do this by selecting the imported geometry and then adding a Normal Modifier and clicking flip. You should only do this if the geometry exported by the VMF exporter is invalid when you open the scene in Hammer.


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