WWMT Tutorials
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Starter Kits

Source Engine level design starter kits will automate some entity setups for common level design tasks.
Bitmap Crop and Coordinates in 3ds Max
Tutorial on using the BitmapTexture crop function with models and world geometry.
Anatomy of a Design Team
Teamwork in 3ds Max

This documents the most efficient setup of 3ds Max, Wall Worm and team organization for a Source Engine Project.
Mass Model Fetch
The Mass Model Fetch Utility allows you to import multiple props into your scene at once.
Using 4Way Blends

Overview of creating and working with Lightmapped_4WayBlend shaders in Wall Worm.
Porting Levels
Articles related to porting levels into Source using 3ds Max and Wall Worm.
Animated Textures
Instructions on creating an animated texture in 3ds Max and exporting to Source.
Rotating Textures
Instructions on creating VMTs that animate the texture rotation.
Scrolling Textures
Steps for creating scrolling textures and exporting to Source.
Porting Levels into Source
General Overview of Converting Scenes that Were Not Designed with Source in Mind
Overview on porting scenes and levels from other sources.