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Your 2D Sky and Sky Writer

Posted on Mar 12, 2014 | Last Updated Jan 29, 2016

Overview of setting up a scene in 3ds Max to render out as a 2D sky for your level with Sky Writer.

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2d sky, sky writer

Error Code 126

Startup Error Loading Wall Worm
Posted on Apr 10, 2023 | Last Updated Apr 10, 2023

Solution to a startup error and VTF bitmaps not loading in 3ds Max.

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vtflib, error code 126, startup error

Running Function with Keyboard Shortcut Opens Docs URL

Some of the MacroScripts in Wall Worm now have a default secondary action when executed with the SHIFT key held down.
Posted on Aug 1, 2017 | Last Updated Aug 1, 2017

Information on why keyboard shortcuts using the SHIFT key open the online documents for the function rather than running the function.

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SHIFT, shortcut, keyboard, docs

Unpacking GCF and VPK Files

Posted on Mar 3, 2015 | Last Updated Mar 13, 2017

Using GCFScape to extract Source content for 3ds Max. Use VTF Edit and Crowbar to convert content.

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gcfscape, crowbar, vtfedit, import


Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Apr 21, 2016

This utility is a helper function to generate a skeleton Soundscape file based off of soundscape entities in your level.

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Blend Materials and WorldVertexTransition

Posted on Dec 21, 2013 | Last Updated Feb 2, 2019

Instructions on creating a WorldVertexTransition material inside 3ds Max using Blend Materials.

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blend, worldvertextransition, material, displacement

Collision Hulls

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 4, 2020

Use Wall Worm to quickly build convex collision hulls for your model.

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collision hull, convex, phys

OSL: Radial Gradient

Posted on Sep 19, 2018 | Last Updated Sep 19, 2018
Radial Gradient OSL Map

Simple Radial Gradient OSL map for 3d Max included in Wall Worm.

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osl, radial gradient


Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2013

Articles to help troubleshoot problems with Wall Worm, 3ds Max and/or the Source Game Engine.

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Posted on May 20, 2015 | Last Updated Apr 22, 2020

ShellVex is a scripted geometry plugin for 3ds Max that allows you to create convex geometry blocks from the polygons (or tris) of other objects in the scene.

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brush, bsp, geometry, world geometry, plugin