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Displacement Alpha Blending

Posted on Dec 29, 2015 | Last Updated Jul 26, 2017

Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.

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worldvertextransition, alpha blending, blend material, directx shader, 3ds max, wallworm, anvil

Global Settings and Configuration

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Sep 9, 2023

This floater controls global settings for Wall Worm. The settings control some system settings as well as default settings for common tools and actions in Wall Worm.

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settings, configuration, paths, config, setup, global settings

Using 4Way Blends

Posted on Dec 29, 2016 | Last Updated Mar 13, 2017
Using 4way blend

Overview of creating and working with Lightmapped_4WayBlend shaders in Wall Worm.

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Lightmapped_4WayBlend, 4way blend, vertex paint


Posted on Feb 20, 2012 | Last Updated Sep 28, 2016

The Wall Worm Entity Output interface allows you to add interactivity to your Source level directly in the 3ds Max UI. Requires Convexity.

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entity, entities, outputs, inputs, i/o, scripting

Max Crashes When Applying a Modifier

Posted on Sep 22, 2015 | Last Updated Sep 22, 2015

3ds Max scripted modifiers crash when applied to objects if the keyboard shortcuts include any assignments to the backtick key.

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crash, modifier

Wall Worm Sends Greetings in 2016

Posted on Jan 10, 2016 | Last Updated Jan 10, 2016

First Wall Worm blog of 2016 with new videos, new level design contest and review of 3ds Max 2016.

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blog, contest, 2016

WWMT Changelog

Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Mar 29, 2024

Wall Worm tools changelog. Includes information and release date on each update to Wall Worm.

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wwmt, changelog, updates, release notes


Posted on Feb 12, 2012 | Last Updated Aug 29, 2016

Overview on how Convexity fits into the process of Wall Worm.

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convexity, 3rd part, app

Miscellaneous Anvil Tools

Posted on Jul 27, 2012 | Last Updated Jul 27, 2012

An overview and explanation of several functions included in the Miscellaneous tab of Anvil.

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misc, miscellaneous, tab, ui, anvil

CorVex Utility Floater

Posted on Jul 25, 2017 | Last Updated Jul 29, 2017

Basic overview of the CorVex Utility Floater.

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