Exporting CAT and Biped Models
Export your CAT or Biped rig from 3ds Max into the Source Game Engine with Wall Worm.
Advanced Texture Controls
With Wall Worm Pro, you can export arbitrary texture maps as VTF files in Source.
Tutorial: Nuclear Cooling Towers
How to create nuclear cooling towers with Displacements
Tutorial on creating nuclear cooling towers as displacements for the Source Engine.
Visgroup Manager
The Visgroup Manager in Wall Worm allows you to arbitrarily show/hide objects in your scene.
MDL File Loader
Geometry Plugin to load Valve's MDL files directly into 3ds Max.
Displacement Alpha Blending
Information on displacement alpha blending and the shaders you can use to visualize the blending.
Help! There was an Error and Now Max is Frozen
If there is a MAXScript error during some functions, the MAX UI can remain in limbo (frozen or non-responsive). Here is the function to fix this.